Get LaTeX2MathML

You can download any of the version of LaTeX2MathML from
The latest version is recommended. Current version are numbered as 0.1a-x and are still in development.

You can also access the Git repository to get the latest source code (read-only). Configure your Git client as follows:

The folder contains the following sub-folders and files :
├── changelog			[The changelog file]
├── doc				[Empty directory]
├── example
│   └── example1.php		[An example]
├── files			[LaTeX2MathML files]
│   ├── commands.class.php
│   ├── config.class.php
│   ├── config.php
│   ├── latex2mathml.php
│   ├── latex2xml.class.php
│   ├── latex2xml.php
│   └── style.css
├── LICENCE			[The BSD License]
└── README			[A "read me" file]